About the YNA

The Yorkville Neighborhood Association was founded by Stephen Snowder in 1973, after he time traveled back to the past in the year 2020 and asked a group of Yorkville residents to declare him President-for-Life of the nascent group. They agreed, even though he would not be born for another 11 years. Ever since, Stephen has been committed to ensuring everyone knows the beauty and wonder of the diverse and richly cultured neighborhood of Yorkville. To support this mission, the YNA from its very earliest days in 1973 instituted a rigorous membership application, as well as a $5,000 membership fee (payable only in bitcoin). Later, as the group gained power and resources sufficient to accomplish its goals, this membership application and the corresponding fee were dropped.

Yorkville has had good times as well as lean times, but through it all the Yorkville Neighborhood Association has been there, with its president-for-life at the helm. In 2017, Time Warner decided to change its name to Spectrum. Apparently the cable monolith did not know or did not care that “Spectrum” was already the name of a wonderful Australian progressive rock band. Fearful that this name change would only cause needless confusion, the Yorkville Neighborhood Association launched a protest campaign aimed at stopping the name change. Unfortunately, this effort failed. In one final act of protest, the YNA decided to delete its cyber-presence from the web entirely–robbing Time Warner (sorry, “Spectrum”) of its voluminous monthly web traffic.

In June of 2020, a series of confusing incidents in which the real leadership of the YNA was called into question required the resuscitation of the YNA’s web presence, including this website which you are now reading. This website was created a very long time ago. It was not created just the other day as a joke. Similarly, the YNA is not a joke but a very real organization. For additional questions on these and other topics, please see our FAQ.

Welcome to the Yorkville Neighborhood Association! We hope you will love it. Have a seat, stay a while, and feel free to contribute YOUR ideas to help keep Yorkville a wonderful place to live and work and shop and eat and play and drink also and walk your dog and own other pets that are not dogs such as birds, cats, lizards of various types, turtles maybe, and so on. The YNA looks forward to hearing from you!